School Facilities

To be cleared, a student-athlete must:
1. Have a completed registration on Rex Putnam HS FamilyID .
2. Have a signed, valid Athletic Physical on file with the Athletic Office (either via FamilyID or via paper copy turned into the Athletic Office)
3. Pay the athletic fee (see details below)
4. If necessary, submit athletic eligibility paperwork to the Athletic Office
If you do not have access to a computer, please check in with the Athletic Office and we can assist you.
Athletics/USER FEE
In order to provide a comprehensive School Activities Program, students participating in school activities will be assessed a user fee. The charge for district-funded sports is $175 per sport and a $25 user fee for Student Body Card, to an individual maximum of $425, and a maximum of $700 per family, excluding Non-Funded sports.
[For incoming 9th graders, the athletic fee cannot be paid until the beginning of August. At that point, the athletic fee will be able to be paid via cash, check, or credit card.] Please visit the following link to pay online: RPHS Athletic Fee Online Payment
*All sports may have some additional costs. Please check with your coach or the athletic office for any of those costs.
Athletic fees may be waived for students approved by the Free & Reduced Lunch Program. Families must apply to the Free & Reduced Lunch Program and if approved, request a fee waiver from the athletic office. 
All participants must have on file in the Athletic Office, a completed sports physical. Sports physicals last for two years. 
These must be completed prior to any participation in athletics, including practices/tryouts. Participants must present evidence of either private or school medical insurance.
The physical can be downloaded from the following - Physical Form for 2024/2025
If you are new to Rex Putnam you will have to provide a copy of a physical or complete a new physical. 
Anyone is welcome to make an appointment for a sports physical at our Student-Based Health Center by calling 503-353-5884.
Athlete Responsibilities
Please make sure as you are completing this information that you include your Student ID number. (Incoming freshmen - your ID number is the same as your Middle School ID number). If you are a homeschool student or attend a charter school please call the Athletic Office for instructions.
In 2023, the State Board of Education released an updated Athletic Physical form. Please make sure you are using the Athletic Physical form dated "April 2023". Also, please make sure both the student-athlete and parent/guardian sign the bottom of Page 1 in the respective signature fields.
To participate in Rex Putnam HS athletics, each student-athlete must be cleared. Even if a student-athlete has played another sport in the same calendar or school year, they will need to sign up for each sport they intend to play. (Ex: a student who does Soccer and Golf must sign up for both sports)
Academic Eligibility
Student-athletes must have passed at least 5 credit classes (for a total of 2.5 credits) in the prior semester and maintain satisfactory progress toward graduation.
OSAA (Oregon School Activities Association) eligibility policy requires that all Fall athletes (excluding incoming freshmen) must pass at least five (5) credit classes in the spring semester or take summer school make-up classes to be eligible for Fall sports.
OSAA RULE: All students must maintain satisfactory progress toward graduation by meeting the following standards:
- 4.5 CREDITS earned before the 1st day of 10TH GRADE
- 10 CREDITS earned before the 1st day of 11TH GRADE
- 17 CREDITS earned before the 1st day of 12TH GRADE.
The North Clackamas School District Board of Directors has implemented more stringent eligibility rules for athletics and activities. These requirements are in addition to standards implemented by the Oregon Schools Activities Association (OSAA), the state agency governing athletics and activities. North Clackamas School District requires a 2.0-grade point average, with no grade of an "F" on the report card. Students who do not meet the additional District requirements may become eligible to participate by:
  • Transferring credits from an accredited summer or night school institution to correct a grading deficit
  • Appealing his/her ineligibility status by completing an Activity Eligibility Appeal Request with the building Principal
  • Spending one semester on academic probation ("plan of assistance" instead of losing eligibility). Academic probation lasts through the athletic/activities season during the semester of participation. (NOTE: Students who have fallen below a 2.0 G.P.A. may not exceed two consecutive semesters on academic probation).  
Students Attending OSAA Associate Member Schools
If your student attends an Associate Member School and lives within our school boundaries, there are additional eligibility verification steps required prior to your student being cleared for Rex Putnam HS Athletics. You will need to complete both pages 1 and 2 of the School Representation Eligibility form and submit that to the athletic office with a copy of your student's most recent transcript.
Examples of Associate Member Schools: Clackamas Web Academy, Clackamas Middle College
Students Transferring from Other Schools
Approval of conditional admission as a student at Rex Putnam HS does not imply your child can participate in OSAA athletics, due to additional OSAA regulations. If a transfer student intends to participate in athletics, please contact the athletic director prior to attending any workouts, practices, tryouts, or other activities.
Home School Students
Home school students must complete the Home School Eligibility Parent ChecklistA copy of the student's most recent transcript must also be completed. This must be done prior to the student-athlete being cleared for practices/tryouts.
NOTE - incoming 10th, 11th, and 12th graders MUST take an approved achievement test by AUGUST 15th and earn a minimum score of the 23rd percentile. This is an additional requirement by the OSAA beyond the ODE's standards.
Each participant is responsible for the equipment issued to them. After the season, the participant must return the equipment in good condition or pay the replacement cost of the item(s) lost or damaged.
Class Attendance
Participants must be in attendance one-half day (two-block periods) to practice or play in a contest. Exceptions must be cleared through the athletic director.
Dual Participation
If you are a Dual Participating athlete, you must complete a Dual Participation form. The form may be obtained from the athletic office. A student may participate in more than one sport team during the season. However, you are expected to be able to do what is required by both Head Coaches. Students may change activities only with the approval of both coaches and/or advisors, and the athletic director.
Athletic awards/certificates will be presented at the end of the season to deserving participants as determined by the coach or advisor. No award will be given to those not completing the season. One letter is given to students at the varsity level in their 4-year career, even if they participate in multiple varsity sports.