
CENTRAL COMETS CUSD4 Athletic Department

Athletic Vision Statement: Where are we going? 
The central school district athletic department will be the standard bearer for excellence in both athletic and academic success for not only within the conference, but across Illinois.  When student athletes exit our programs, they will have had a positive experience that has equipped them with the skills to be both a leader and reputable teammate and then apply these skills in the next stage of their life.

Athletic Mission Statement: Why we do what we do? 
Being a COMET: is taking pride in the process of becoming YOUR best, both athletically and academically.  A Comet welcomes the higher expectations set by those who came before them and is committed to carrying on those traditions while setting even higher standards for those who follow.

Being a COMET COACH: it is our duty to develop strong respectful and responsible citizens.  It is our responsibility to build our athletes into positive leaders who know how to overcome and lead through both adversity and failure, to become the best person, they can be.  We accomplish this by guiding our student-athletes through their journey and allowing them to lead, fail, and overcome.