School Facilities

Directions to Watseka

High School



SCHOOL ADDRESS: 138 South Belmont Avenue, Watseka IL 60970
ATHLETIC OFFICE: (815) 432-2486, FAX: (815) 432-5578

All "home events" played at Watseka High School unless noted below

Baseball -  Legion Park, 968 South 4th Street, Watseka, IL (4 blocks south of high school)

Basketball (Boys and Girls) - Watseka High School Gym

Football - Blake Field at Watseka High School

Golf (Boys and Girls) - Shewami Country Club,  1726 N 2580 East Rd, Sheldon, IL 60966

Soccer (Boys) - Park District Soccer Field at 1200 East Grant Street, Watseka, IL (5 blocks east of high school next to Iroquois County Admin Building)

Softball -  Warrior Softball Field at Watseka High School

Tennis (Girls) -  Tennis Courts at Watseka High School

Track and Field (Boys and Girls) Blake Field at Watseka High School

Volleyball (Girls) - Watseka High School Gym