School Facilities


Directions and Information



Heineman Middle School

Address : 725 Dr. John Burkey Drive, Algonquin, IL 60102
Phone: 847-659-4300, Fax: 847-659-4320


Conley Elementary School

Address: 750 Dr. John Burkey Drive, Algonquin, IL 60102

Phone: 847-659-3700



All home events will be located at Heineman Middle School except:

Grade 7 Boys Basetkball, Girls Basketball, and Girls Volleyball will be located at Conley Elementary School (across parking lot of Heineman Middle School)

Basketball (Boys and Girls) -

Heineman: Please use the main entrance. The gym is located at the end of the main hallway on the left.

Conley: Please use the main entrance. The gym is located mid-way down the hall on the right.

Cross Country (Boys and Girls) -All races start in the open area located to the west of the school before the track.

Track and Field (Boys and Girls) -The track is located to the west of Heineman Middle School.

Volleyball (Girls)

HeinemanPlease use the main entrance. The gym is located at the end of the main hallway on the left.

Conley: Please use the main entrance. The gym is located mid-way down the hall on the right.

WrestlingPlease use the main entrance. The gym is located at the end of the main hallway on the left.