School Facilities

Directions to Clinton High School


SCHOOL ADDRESS: 1200 Highway 54 West Clinton, IL 61727
ATHLETIC OFFICE: (217) 935-8337, FAX: (217) 935-8847

All "Home Events" played at Clinton High School unless noted below.

Baseball -

Basketball (Boys and Girls) -

Cheerleading -

Cross Country (Boys and Girls) -  Home meets at run at Little Galilee (about 2 miles south on Route 51 on the west side of the road)

Football -

Golf (Boys and Girls) -  Home meets are held at Clinton Country Club which is on the east side of Route 51, about 2 miles south of the High School.  (The entrance is by the Martin Auction Services building on the east side of Route 51.)

Softball -

Swimming and Diving (Boys and Girls) -

Track and Field (Boys and Girls) -

Volleyball (Girls) -

Wrestling -