School Facilities


Aviston Elementary School

350 South Hull St.
Aviston, IL  62216
(618) 228-7245



SCHOOL ADDRESS: 350 S. Hull St.  Aviston IL 62216
ATHLETIC OFFICE: (618) 228-7245, FAX: (618) 228-7121

All "home events" played at Aviston Elementary School unless noted below

Baseball - Aviston Elementary Baseball Diamond located west of (behind) school

Basketball (Boys and Girls) - Aviston Elementary School

Bowling (Boys and Girls) - Hank's Bowl (Trenton)/Various Locations

Cross Country (Boys and Girls) - Aviston Park/Various Locations

Golf (Boys and Girls) - Bent Oak (Breese)/Various Locations

Softball - Kopff Park (Corner of Railroad St. and Clinton St. in Aviston)

Track and Field (Boys and Girls) - Various Locations (Including Central H.S. & Mater Dei H.S.)

Volleyball (Girls) - Aviston Elementary School